
Friday, February 3, 2012

Story of an Unfortunate Woman (Character Analysis)

Today I will write about the actual main character of the book, the women who started it all.. I’m talking about Kate Barlow of course. In the first pages of the book we get to know Kate as the famous outlaw who robbed Stanley’s great-grandfather, Kissin’ Kate Barlow. At that point she doesn’t attract attention. In fact we totally forgot her until the mysterious letters K and B show up. Afterwards we learn the real story of Kate Barlow, how she became the crazy outlaw Kissin’ Kate.  


          ‘He pointed his finger at her and said ‘Noone ever says ‘No’ to Charles Walker!’
          ‘I believe I just did,’ said Katherine Barlow.’

After reading this I respected this women with all my heart. She is a very pretty woman and many men are interested in her, including son of the richest man in town, Charles Walker (Trout Walker). She is just a schoolteacher in a small town. She could just marry this rich man and have a comfy life but she doesn’t choose the easy way. She dares to say ‘No’ to this powerful but also arrogant man and keeps working hard for her students. She stands on her own feet. Therefore I think she is a very strong woman who deserves respect. 

Some people may think that she is not so innocent because she killed and robbed so many people but I think it wouldn’t be fair to blame it all on her. What the people of Green Lake has made to her and to Sam was horrible. She is just an unfortunate woman. She ended up as an insane outlaw although she could have a perfectly happy life with the man she loved.

Well, I might have been  just a little bit over-dramatized it but it really is a sad story, okay? :D

Oh God why? :'(

(284 words)


  1. I also respected this women because of her courage and this video is sorrowful !! :(

  2. I guess all of the girls were impressed by Kate Barlow because of her self-confidence and strong character.
    And you're totally right about the video :( I bet you cried while watching that :D

  3. You made me impressed, too. ;) Well, this is a really nice character analysis because you did a great job uncovering her personality. Maybe you should read between the lines but it's a difficult thing. :)
