
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Well Done Louis Sachar! (Analysis 2)

As I told you before I liked this book a lot. One of the things I liked most about the book is the style that the author uses. First of all he doesn’t tell the whole story in a chronological order. . It starts with Stanley’s trip to Camp Green Lake. And then it goes back to his process of arrest. Then it switches again to the story of the curse and it always goes like that. In my opinion, it’s a very good way to keep the reader interested and make them curious. It’s a common technique but when it’s not properly structured this technique can make the book really boring and desultory. In this one it worked quite well.
The plot is also very well structured. At first we see three different stories.(Current Camp Green Lake, Yelnuts’ family story, story of Kate Barlow) These three stories has been connected to each other successfully. All these curses, references to destiny which provide the connections between the stories may be a little bit inflated and illogical but these connections are not completely impossible.

(183 words)

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