
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Things Got Mysterious (Prediction)

           ‘As he dumped it out, he thought he saw something glisten as it fell onto the dirt pile.
           It was a gold tube, about as long and as wide as the second finger on his right hand.
           He looked again at the design engraved into the flat bottom of the tube. He could see an    
           outline of a heart with the letters KB etched inside it.’

What an exciting moment! This is the moment that in the book mystery and excitement show up. Kate Barlow takes the stage.

Anyway, I have just finished reading 28. chapter which is also the end of part one and I think this is a great moment to make some predictions so this is what my third entry is going to be about.

It is obvious that the story of Yelnats' family and current events in Camp Green Lake will somehow be connected. It is very likely that Kate Barlow will provide this connection.Apparently the Warden and Linda Walker are related and looking for Kate Barlow's loot is a family tradition which the Warden received as an inheritance. Now Stanley will probably involve to this loot issue because of his family's connection to Kate Barlow.

I noticed that Linda and Sarah (Stanley’s great great grandmother) has the same last name, Miller. To be honest I couldn’t exactly figure out the connection between Sarah Miller and Linda Miller. I even tried to make a family tree but it didn’t work because things got really really confusing but this information proves my theory about the connection between the Yelnats and the loot.
My masterpiece! Here is my struggle to figure out the relations between the characters (And yes, I used paint :) )

It is also remarkable that Zero and the witch which starts this curse have the same last name, Zeroni. Well, I have no idea how it could effect to the story. Maybe Zero has some mystic powers and he can remove the curse :D I can say that Zero and Stanley will become very good friends and they will help each other a lot. Sooner or later everybody will realize how smart Zero is.It's very likely that this will happen through Stanley. 

I’m absolutely sure that the book will have a happy ending because Disney made a movie out of it and Disney movies always have happy endings without any exceptions. :D Considering the book will have a happy ending I can say that Stanley either get out of Camp Green Lake or will find a way to live happily in there. 

(329 words)

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