
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining (Analysis 3)

I’m almost done with the blog. Just one last analysis and then I will say goodbye to the blog world.. It was good to be here but I’ve written enough. So I want to dedicate this song to my blog..
Okay, enough with the goodbye, let’s get serious.

 This book also contains many good messages. After reading this you can find yourself thinking about justice, destiny, racism, love, friendship and more..  One of the messages in this book is ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’.It is really awful that Stanley has gone to a terrible camp despite his pure innocence. But we have all seen the great results. Although Stanley did not commit any crime it was clear that he needed some changes in his life. He wasn’t happy in any way, neither in his social life nor in his family life. Poverty wasn’t the only problem in his life. The biggest problem was that he had no self-confidence. This changes might have not been through such a hard way but we have to admit that Camp Green Lake had good influences in Stanley’s life. So this is the main mesage that the book has given to me. ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’

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Well Done Louis Sachar! (Analysis 2)

As I told you before I liked this book a lot. One of the things I liked most about the book is the style that the author uses. First of all he doesn’t tell the whole story in a chronological order. . It starts with Stanley’s trip to Camp Green Lake. And then it goes back to his process of arrest. Then it switches again to the story of the curse and it always goes like that. In my opinion, it’s a very good way to keep the reader interested and make them curious. It’s a common technique but when it’s not properly structured this technique can make the book really boring and desultory. In this one it worked quite well.
The plot is also very well structured. At first we see three different stories.(Current Camp Green Lake, Yelnuts’ family story, story of Kate Barlow) These three stories has been connected to each other successfully. All these curses, references to destiny which provide the connections between the stories may be a little bit inflated and illogical but these connections are not completely impossible.

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Just Some Words (Analysis 1)

The Word
Guessed Meaning
Dictionary Meaning
Am I right?
Someone who rules a place, like a manager or a director
a person who is responsible for a particular place and whose job is to make sure its rules are obeyed
Not Bad Obama Meme
An animal that lives in the trees
(If only if only the woodpecker sighs/The bark on the tree was just a little bit softer)
a bird with a long beak that it uses to make holes in trees
A kind of gun
(‘I’m not going to shoot you.’ He tapped his holster.)
a leather object for carrying a small gun, that is worn on a belt
so close meme rage face template blank 
An uncomfortable bed made of metal
A camp bed
Cause pain, torture
(A bully names Derrick Dunne used to torment Stanley.)
to deliberately treat someone cruelly by annoying them or hurting them
Awww Yeah!
A free place
(Vacancies don’t last long at Camp Green Lake.)
a room in a hotel or building that is not being used and is available for someone to stay in:
Success Kid Meme Template Blank
Something that is damaged or broken, not able to work good
(He wondered if he had a defective shovel.)
not made properly, or not working properly
Not Bad Obama Meme  
Small, tiny
(They each got a pint carton.)
a unit for measuring an amount of liquid, especially beer or milk. In Britain a pint is equal to 0.568 litres, and in the US it is equal to 0.473 litres
Okay Guy Meme Face Template
Pig in old English
(My sow gave birth to a litter of piglets yesterday.)
a fully grown female pig
so close meme rage face template blank
Turn into gas
(The water… evaporetaed quickly in the sun.)
if a liquid evaporates, or if heat evaporates it, it changes into a gas
Not Bad Obama Meme  

Long Story Short..As Short As It Could Be... (Looking Back-Part 3)

When they arrived God’s Thumb they saw there are many onions and water in there.(Sam’s onions :( ) They really did found relief in there. Then they decide to go find the loot of Kate Barlow and give it to the Warden so that she won’t punish them in return. They go to the hole, where Stanley found the golden tube. Meanwhile the Warden, Mr. Sir and Mr. Pendanski find them in the hole with Kate Barlow’s suitcase and many yellow-spotted lizards. They just wait for the yellow spotted lizards to kill the boys but the lizards didn’t do anything because of the onion smell on the boys. Then Stanley’s lawyer comes and saves the boys.  They could keep the suitcase because it has the name Stanley Yelnats on it because it belonged Stanley’s great grandfather once. Destiny! So, everybody understands how awful things are happening in Camp Green Lake. The Camp gets closed. It becomes a Girl Scout Camp. (What do you say, Mr. Sir!)  Stanley and Zero both becomes very rich. Zero also finds his mother. They lived happily ever after.. (I told you, this is how Disney movies end)

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Long Story Short... As Short As It Could Be(Looking back-Part 2)

Stanley becomes friends with Zero, a boy who has been seen as nothing by everybody, including Stanley. Zero wants Stanley to teach him how to read and write and he will dig a part of Stanley’s hole everyday in return. Stanley accepts the deal.
Then we get to know the story of  Kate Barlow, a pretty schoolteacher who turned into a crazy outlaw after the people of Green Lake killed the man she loved because he was black. We also learn that she has a loot which the Warden wants to find and this is why she makes the boys dig holes.
This deal bothers the other boys. They start to mess with Stanley by saying things like  ‘Hey Caveman!You should get a whip.Then if your slave doesn’t dig fast enough, you can sross it across his back.’ One day  this conflicts go a little bit further and turns into a fight between Stanley and Zigzag. Zero involves to fight to protect Stanley. Then the Warden steps in. Zero just runs away. After a few days Stanley goes after him. He founds Zero under a boat upside down. Then they decide to go to God’s Thumb, the weird part of the mountain, where Stanley’s great grandfather found relief hundred years ago after Kate Barlow robbed him.

(216 words)

Since I got all the information about Green Lake, I used my awesome skills in Paint again and made a perfect map for my dear followers.

Long Story Short.. As short as it could be :D (Looking Back-Part 1)

I finished the book.Now I will summarize what happened so far. It will probably be divided into 2 or 3 parts because summaries are really not my thing and I just hate the word limit. I mean, what can I explain in 200 words?! I can't even write short entries.

First we get the information about Camp Green Lake. Then we get to know Stanley, as he was entering Camp Green Lake. Although the other boys weren’t so nice to him in the first place they got used to each other later. Then we learn why Stanley got arrested. He gets arrested for stealing Clyde Livingston’s shoes but actually he didn’t do that. ‘The shoes fell from the sky.’ Meanwhile we learn the story of Stanley’s family. We get to know the no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather who promised a gypsy to carry her up to a mountain and sing her a song to have her pig so that he can convince the father of the girl she loved to allow her to marry him.
Stanley gets used to Camp Green Lake in time. His physical and characteristic features improve a lot. Of course it’s still hard for him to dig holes everyday. One day he finds a gold tube with the letters KB etched on it.When the Warden finds out about it she makes the boys dig more holes in the area where the gold tube has been found. 

(235 words)

Monday, February 6, 2012

Stanley, we are so proud of you! (Character Development)

Here I am with a second character analysis. Actually I didn’t want to write two character analysis consecutively but Stanley has made so big progress that I had the feeling that I had to mention it in my blog. (By the way I have to confess that I really enjoy my blog now :) ) Anyway, this one won’t be about the description of the character but the character development.

Now I will examine Stanley’s character in two different points of the story and compare them with each other. In this way we can see the great progress he has made in Camp Green Lake.

In his first day in Camp Green Lake Stanley was very shy and easygoing. He was too easygoing actually. Despite Mr. Sir’s bad treatment to him in the first place he has been very kind. He didn’t show any resistance. He tried to get along with everyone. After all that injustice he has experienced I would expect that he would show some anger and rebelliousness but he swallowed everything so easily and didn’t try to revolt at all. He is a polite and soft-hearted boy. When we talk about the physical characteristics of Stanley we can say that he is overweight and a little bit weak.

In the chapter I am reading right now Stanley is totally different. First of all his muscles are strengthened. He is much stronger than before. Certainly it is perfectly natural for someone who digs holes everyday in the hot sun. There are also clear differences about his character and behaviour. He is now more like a ‘tough guy’ than a ‘soft-hearted little boy’. He is more courageous than before. He escapes the camp and goes after Zero. He even dares to steal Mr. Sir's truck. (even though he couldn't manage that.)

Long story short Stanley was just a little boy but he slowly turns into a 'man' during his hard times in Camp Green Lake.

(315 words)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Story of an Unfortunate Woman (Character Analysis)

Today I will write about the actual main character of the book, the women who started it all.. I’m talking about Kate Barlow of course. In the first pages of the book we get to know Kate as the famous outlaw who robbed Stanley’s great-grandfather, Kissin’ Kate Barlow. At that point she doesn’t attract attention. In fact we totally forgot her until the mysterious letters K and B show up. Afterwards we learn the real story of Kate Barlow, how she became the crazy outlaw Kissin’ Kate.  


          ‘He pointed his finger at her and said ‘Noone ever says ‘No’ to Charles Walker!’
          ‘I believe I just did,’ said Katherine Barlow.’

After reading this I respected this women with all my heart. She is a very pretty woman and many men are interested in her, including son of the richest man in town, Charles Walker (Trout Walker). She is just a schoolteacher in a small town. She could just marry this rich man and have a comfy life but she doesn’t choose the easy way. She dares to say ‘No’ to this powerful but also arrogant man and keeps working hard for her students. She stands on her own feet. Therefore I think she is a very strong woman who deserves respect. 

Some people may think that she is not so innocent because she killed and robbed so many people but I think it wouldn’t be fair to blame it all on her. What the people of Green Lake has made to her and to Sam was horrible. She is just an unfortunate woman. She ended up as an insane outlaw although she could have a perfectly happy life with the man she loved.

Well, I might have been  just a little bit over-dramatized it but it really is a sad story, okay? :D

Oh God why? :'(

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

Things Got Mysterious (Prediction)

           ‘As he dumped it out, he thought he saw something glisten as it fell onto the dirt pile.
           It was a gold tube, about as long and as wide as the second finger on his right hand.
           He looked again at the design engraved into the flat bottom of the tube. He could see an    
           outline of a heart with the letters KB etched inside it.’

What an exciting moment! This is the moment that in the book mystery and excitement show up. Kate Barlow takes the stage.

Anyway, I have just finished reading 28. chapter which is also the end of part one and I think this is a great moment to make some predictions so this is what my third entry is going to be about.

It is obvious that the story of Yelnats' family and current events in Camp Green Lake will somehow be connected. It is very likely that Kate Barlow will provide this connection.Apparently the Warden and Linda Walker are related and looking for Kate Barlow's loot is a family tradition which the Warden received as an inheritance. Now Stanley will probably involve to this loot issue because of his family's connection to Kate Barlow.

I noticed that Linda and Sarah (Stanley’s great great grandmother) has the same last name, Miller. To be honest I couldn’t exactly figure out the connection between Sarah Miller and Linda Miller. I even tried to make a family tree but it didn’t work because things got really really confusing but this information proves my theory about the connection between the Yelnats and the loot.
My masterpiece! Here is my struggle to figure out the relations between the characters (And yes, I used paint :) )

It is also remarkable that Zero and the witch which starts this curse have the same last name, Zeroni. Well, I have no idea how it could effect to the story. Maybe Zero has some mystic powers and he can remove the curse :D I can say that Zero and Stanley will become very good friends and they will help each other a lot. Sooner or later everybody will realize how smart Zero is.It's very likely that this will happen through Stanley. 

I’m absolutely sure that the book will have a happy ending because Disney made a movie out of it and Disney movies always have happy endings without any exceptions. :D Considering the book will have a happy ending I can say that Stanley either get out of Camp Green Lake or will find a way to live happily in there. 

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