
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining (Analysis 3)

I’m almost done with the blog. Just one last analysis and then I will say goodbye to the blog world.. It was good to be here but I’ve written enough. So I want to dedicate this song to my blog..
Okay, enough with the goodbye, let’s get serious.

 This book also contains many good messages. After reading this you can find yourself thinking about justice, destiny, racism, love, friendship and more..  One of the messages in this book is ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’.It is really awful that Stanley has gone to a terrible camp despite his pure innocence. But we have all seen the great results. Although Stanley did not commit any crime it was clear that he needed some changes in his life. He wasn’t happy in any way, neither in his social life nor in his family life. Poverty wasn’t the only problem in his life. The biggest problem was that he had no self-confidence. This changes might have not been through such a hard way but we have to admit that Camp Green Lake had good influences in Stanley’s life. So this is the main mesage that the book has given to me. ‘Every cloud has a silver lining.’

(203 words)

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