
Thursday, February 9, 2012

Just Some Words (Analysis 1)

The Word
Guessed Meaning
Dictionary Meaning
Am I right?
Someone who rules a place, like a manager or a director
a person who is responsible for a particular place and whose job is to make sure its rules are obeyed
Not Bad Obama Meme
An animal that lives in the trees
(If only if only the woodpecker sighs/The bark on the tree was just a little bit softer)
a bird with a long beak that it uses to make holes in trees
A kind of gun
(‘I’m not going to shoot you.’ He tapped his holster.)
a leather object for carrying a small gun, that is worn on a belt
so close meme rage face template blank 
An uncomfortable bed made of metal
A camp bed
Cause pain, torture
(A bully names Derrick Dunne used to torment Stanley.)
to deliberately treat someone cruelly by annoying them or hurting them
Awww Yeah!
A free place
(Vacancies don’t last long at Camp Green Lake.)
a room in a hotel or building that is not being used and is available for someone to stay in:
Success Kid Meme Template Blank
Something that is damaged or broken, not able to work good
(He wondered if he had a defective shovel.)
not made properly, or not working properly
Not Bad Obama Meme  
Small, tiny
(They each got a pint carton.)
a unit for measuring an amount of liquid, especially beer or milk. In Britain a pint is equal to 0.568 litres, and in the US it is equal to 0.473 litres
Okay Guy Meme Face Template
Pig in old English
(My sow gave birth to a litter of piglets yesterday.)
a fully grown female pig
so close meme rage face template blank
Turn into gas
(The water… evaporetaed quickly in the sun.)
if a liquid evaporates, or if heat evaporates it, it changes into a gas
Not Bad Obama Meme  


  1. thank you for the blog! I liked it so much especially this word chart.I think you're a great blogger helin.Keep going:D

  2. Thanks a lot Ayça :) But I don't think I will 'keep going' after this blog :D

  3. hahahahha honestly I loved this one ! :D

  4. Exactly same as I imagined and wanted to give a place in my blog, well done!

  5. Helin :D you are really very creative :) I think your blog is very enjoyable to read.

  6. Thanks everyone! Your blogs are all awesome too :) I'm glad you enjoyed my blog

  7. hahaha I liked the chart. very creative, well done canıms

  8. Thanks kenks you're flattering me :D (OMG Thanks kenks rhymes, how awesome is that :D)
