
Monday, February 6, 2012

Stanley, we are so proud of you! (Character Development)

Here I am with a second character analysis. Actually I didn’t want to write two character analysis consecutively but Stanley has made so big progress that I had the feeling that I had to mention it in my blog. (By the way I have to confess that I really enjoy my blog now :) ) Anyway, this one won’t be about the description of the character but the character development.

Now I will examine Stanley’s character in two different points of the story and compare them with each other. In this way we can see the great progress he has made in Camp Green Lake.

In his first day in Camp Green Lake Stanley was very shy and easygoing. He was too easygoing actually. Despite Mr. Sir’s bad treatment to him in the first place he has been very kind. He didn’t show any resistance. He tried to get along with everyone. After all that injustice he has experienced I would expect that he would show some anger and rebelliousness but he swallowed everything so easily and didn’t try to revolt at all. He is a polite and soft-hearted boy. When we talk about the physical characteristics of Stanley we can say that he is overweight and a little bit weak.

In the chapter I am reading right now Stanley is totally different. First of all his muscles are strengthened. He is much stronger than before. Certainly it is perfectly natural for someone who digs holes everyday in the hot sun. There are also clear differences about his character and behaviour. He is now more like a ‘tough guy’ than a ‘soft-hearted little boy’. He is more courageous than before. He escapes the camp and goes after Zero. He even dares to steal Mr. Sir's truck. (even though he couldn't manage that.)

Long story short Stanley was just a little boy but he slowly turns into a 'man' during his hard times in Camp Green Lake.

(315 words)


  1. nicely written analysis. I liked to see the differences between the two "Stanley"s.

  2. I think it is what Louis Sachar is trying to show us:
    Through his experience at Camp Green Lake Stanley becomes physically stronger and more self-confident.Moreover he learns to like himself.
    From where to where??
    Good job Helin,I really liked your blog!You know,I also enjoy blogging more than I expected:D

  3. Thank you boran :) I'm glad to hear that because that was exactly the point I wanted to make when I was writing this.
    Beste, thank you too :)Improvements in Stanley's character are realy impressive. And I guess we all enjoy our blogs now although nobody has expected it before :D
